Achalasia is a primary esophageal motility disorder of unknown etiology. Pathologically, it is characterized by loss of ganglion cells in the myenteric plexus. The possible motility findings include the following1:
- 1Aperistalsis
- 2Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
- 3Impaired relaxation of the LES to swallowing
The incidence in the United States is approximately 1 per 100,000 people per year. Achalasia typically occurs in adults aged 25 to 60 years old. It is extremely rare in children (<5%), and the male:female ratio is 1:1.Dysphagia is the dominant clinical symptom. All treatment for achalasia is palliative. We cannot cure this condition. All treatment is directed toward elimination of the outflow resistance at the level of the LES, allowing food to empty the esophagus by gravity. Surgical myotomy is considered by many to be the best initial treatment for achalasia. Pneumatic balloon dilation may also give good results in some situations
贲门失弛缓症手术的目标是提高生活质量,这受吞咽困难的影响最大,而不是胃灼热。关于贲门失弛缓症的手术治疗存在许多争议。胃肌切开的程度将决定残余 LES 压力,并可能决定吞咽困难缓解的程度。10对胃进行 2 厘米的肌切开术应该足以缓解梗阻;然而,这可能使患者易发生胃食管反流。吞咽困难的缓解和术后反流之间总会有一个平衡点。我认为通过最小化裂孔夹层的程度,我们可以避免进行部分胃底折叠术并最大限度地缓解吞咽困难的症状。此外,一些人发现部分胃底折叠术与更多的吞咽困难有关。11, 12, 13如果患者已经有较大的裂孔缺损和滑动裂孔疝,那么关闭裂孔并进行部分胃底折叠术似乎是合理的,例如图 14所示的 Dor 前胃底折叠术。
如果在手术过程中对食道或胃进行肠切开术,则可以用单层间断的可吸收缝线将其封闭并用网膜支撑。或者,在关闭肠切开术后,Dor 胃底折叠可用于覆盖修复而不是网膜。手术后第二天对每位患者进行钡餐以排除泄漏。然后患者开始流质饮食并在耐受口服摄入时出院。平均逗留时间为2天。根据我们营养师的指示,在接下来的 1 到 2 周内,饮食会升级为常规食物。建议所有患者在手术后无限期使用质子泵抑制剂。1目前尚不清楚是否需要进行内窥镜检查,但我会在肌切开术后 1 年和 5 年让患者进行胃镜检查。